warwickshire cities (2)

Granted city status time immemorial, with a population of 316,900 and twinned with
Arnhem, Netherlands;
Belgrade, Serbia;
Bologna, Italy;
Caen, France;
Cork, Ireland;
Cornwall, Ontario, Canada;
Coventry, Connecticut, US;
Coventry, New York, US;
Coventry, Rhode Island, US;
Detroit, Michigan, US;
Dresden, Germany;
Dunaújváros, Hungary;
Gala?i, Romania;
Granby, Quebec, Canada;
Graz, Austria;
Jinan, China;
Kecskemét, Hungary;
Kiel, Germany;
Kingston, Jamaica;
Lidice, Czech Republic;
Ostrava, Czech Republic;
Parkes, New South Wales, Australia;
Saint-Étienne, France;
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina;
Volgograd, Russia;
Warsaw, Poland;
Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

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