
Irregular spiral. Perfectly logical except the last two dots (2 total possibilities) which are obvious from context. Extremely easy if you can guess the pattern.

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  • VERY GOOD puzzle!! Although it did NOT take me two HOURS to complete it!! LOL

    I still wish there was a "pause" button so that I could go deal with my kids withOUT screwing with my "ranking" and such! I know I could save them but I usually TRY and keep those for when I NEED them. A pause button would be MUCH more convenient!! HINT HINT!?! LOL

    Anyway, back to the SPIRAL...
    I very much enjoyed this one. It probably DID take me about 45 min to complete it. Although it was OBVIOUS (from the title AND the "look" of the puzzle) it was still challenging! It was also almost completely logical (what isn't logical can be guessed at)! So..I say BRAVO for a well constructed and fun puzzle! Thanks! ~:)
    19/07/2013 à 15:02
  • Took a long time, but it was good. I liked the challenge.
    19/07/2013 à 17:42
  • Glad you enjoyed it, even though it doesn't have much in the way of aesthetics.
    19/07/2013 à 19:07
  • That's ok! It doesn't have to be a DETAILED picture for it to be thoroughly enjoyable. Although I KNEW where the puzzle was headed and knew what it would look like when I was done with it....but I didn't know EXACTLY where every square would be placed. To ME (personally), I enjoy the "challenge" more than the "final design!" I would MUCH rather be challenged (yet still be able to figure it out LOGICALLY/with EDUCATED guesses)than have a pretty pic to look at in the end!! So again, Bravo, for a very fun/challenging puzzle, even if the aesthetics aren't the "best!" I really did enjoy it! ~:)
    20/07/2013 à 02:51
  • Challenging! I loved it! thanks!
    20/07/2013 à 12:55
  • The end is so fast and so much enjoyable after all that hard work in the beginning.
    10/08/2016 à 21:05