Tatsugiri is a pokemon designed for human consumption, their sole purpose in this world is to be caught by humans and eaten by humans. A pitiful existence indeed, but, there was once a time when this pokemon was a proud race of warriors. Ruling the world's oceans and seas as its strongest nation.
Possessing cunning intellect and a dominating physique, Tatsugiri's true form can only be described as a gift by the gods. There was no equal to Tatsugiri in the old world. They eventually became drunk with power and saw themselves as the rulers of their world. However, Arceus, the creator of all pokemon saw the actions of Tatsugiri as blasphemy. He, the creator, rendered Tatsugiri's intellect and brawn into two separate vessels, the modern-day equivalent of Tatsugiri, and its counterpart, Dondozo.
Now, Tatsugiri can be found in local Asian markets, sold at 13.99 for 6 pieces as a quick and tasty snack.
tout ce qui faut pour muscler le cerveau ;)