let's party

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  • Not solvable with logic alone. Once you've gone as far as logic allows, you can fill in the letters in the top 3/5 easily. But the bottom 2/5 is completely inscrutable. There's a 14x6 area that I can only put 16 x's in. There is just not enough information given; it is unsolvable unless you use a lot of bonuses.
    15/05/2013 à 16:06
  • Yea...once I got to the bottom right corner (where all the "1's" need to be filled in), I'm COMPLETELY STUCK!! I can't figure out that part of the puzzle for the life of me!!! :( Any help would be nice! Thanks!
    15/05/2013 à 19:27
  • Did it without much problem... 2 birds and a plus sign... the row that has 7,2... the 2 starts in the columns with the 3s... make a plus sign... the birds go in the 2 other gaps... row that has 3,2,2- starts in the 6th column- make your 3... in the 12th column start your 2 and then again in the 15th... there is one filled in square between the 2 twos on the row below... you should then have a square of 3x3- draw the second bird.... Words are Party time! There's a glass too on the left... hope this helps.
    17/05/2013 à 15:20
  • Thanks for your help, Nanallac. Couldn't solve it without your help.
    24/05/2013 à 16:08
  • More of that bottom portion is logical than you'd think. Try starting the 4 right next to the 9 and start eliminating possibilities--i ended up with only two possibilities after I assumed the words.
    09/06/2020 à 01:51