i hate not being here each and every day and

I'm having SERIOUS withdrawals from not being able to be here with all of you each and every day! Playing here was part of my daily schedule. I would wake up each morning and play here while waking up and getting prepared for my day. Not I have to wake up and watch a movie....b/c we not only don't have internet at the new place but we have NO TV either!!! So I feel COMPLETELY "cut off" from the world at our new place! I am SOOOO GLAD that ATT is SUPPOSED to run the fiber optic lines to my house within a few months, but waiting until that time is a lot harder than I thought it would be!! At least I have a TON of unpacking to do b/c right now I have nothing but TIME!! However, I am HOPING that by the time I put my new house "together" they will have run the lines to our home b/c after that I will having NOTHING to do! I can only clean so much before it becomes pointless!! I cannot WAIT until solving puzzles once again becomes a part of my daily routine!! Love you ALL!! ~:)

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  • No internet!!! I would hate that. We get so used to having the world at our fingertips that we take it all for granted. It'll be strange not seeing you. Hope you can come back soon. :-) xx.
    07/08/2013 à 00:41
  • Aww Katrinaj, we miss you too! Hope they hurry up with wiring your house so you can get back online!
    07/08/2013 à 00:58
  • You are so sweet! We miss you, too. Hopefully the time will pass quickly. Hang in there! xx.
    07/08/2013 à 02:02
  • What I miss about you is the way you encourage hanjie authors, especially the new ones. I always look for your comments. Please get back to us soon lol:)
    07/08/2013 à 17:38
  • We miss you too, and your thoughtful comments! Is there no satellite internet available where you are?
    09/08/2013 à 13:48
  • Thanks so much for all your kind words! Although I LOVE playing the puzzles, it's all of YOU who make this place what it is!! It's not often that you run across a site where EVERYONE is positive and it's such a breath of fresh air!! Everyone here supports each other, has fun together and is incredibly encouraging!! I miss you all so much and can't wait to be here each and every day!!

    We DO have the option of satellite TV/Internet but they want us to sign a TWO YEAR contract with them! They refuse to offer us a "trial" so we refuse to sign! After all, it may be HORRIBLE service and then we are STUCK with it...or pay a hefty $500 contract break fee!! We would go ahead and do it if ATT wasn't planning to run the lines within the few months (after all, we wouldn't really have a choice then!) but since they ARE, we would rather wait and get the ATT when it's available. I just hope its sooner rather than later!!!

    It's okay though! Without TV and internet we have been spending a TON more time together as a family...so that's at least ONE "plus" of being cut off from the world!! LOL

    Well...I'm gonna run so that I can solve a few puzzles before heading back (on a 45 min drive) home! Love you all!!!!
    09/08/2013 à 20:58
  • Hang in there ...
    09/08/2013 à 23:03
  • I miss this site when I'm away for a few days. I don't know how you did it. Hope all is well with you. Thanks for the puzzle.
    17/02/2017 à 22:28
  • Thanks. Why not buy a dongle or get internet on your mobile and transfer to laptop/computer?
    01/10/2017 à 20:19