hunger games


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  • I can't wait for the next movie!
    Thanks for the puzzle!
    17/06/2013 à 16:51
  • Great puzzle! Thanks! ~:)

    LOVED this flick! The books were even better!! Much better than the movie...but that's always how it goes. Heck, I read all three books in the trilogy in one weekend! I simply couldn't put them down!! Every word had me on the edge of my seat!

    Heck, I've read the Twilight books about 10 times EACH and I am totally in love with them (even though I'm 35). One of the BEST love stories of this century and beautifully written!! The Hunger Games were really well written as well, but not QUITE as good as the Twilight books. Although depending on what you stories vs action/adventure....some may disagree with me! I am more of a "love story" type of girl!

    HOWEVER, I have a "bone to pick" with the Hunger Games movies. Could they not have found a BETTER LOOKING guy to play the part of Peeta!?! I mean REALLY! It's VERY hard to be on "Team Peeta" when Gayle is SOOOO much better looking. HE is a HUNK a HUNK of burning love! LOL I know that looks aren't EVERYTHING....but they made the character of Peeta a whiny, sniveling punk who really isn't worth ANYTHING! The ONLY reason he made it through the 1st movie/book ALIVE is b/c Katniss kept saving his a$$! As a woman (with skillz), I would NEVER fall for a guy like Peeta! After all, a REAL woman wants a man who can take care of and protect her! Also someone who is "handy" and knows how to fix stuff! Not just someone who is good a "decorating cakes!!" And DEFINITELY not someone that WE have to babysit, raise and take care of!! Now, GAYLE, however, is a REAL man!!

    In the books its MUCH easier to cheer for "Team Peeta" b/c he is NOT the whiny brat that the movie portrays him to be. When it comes to the movies, I will FOREVER be on "Team Gayle" though!!

    I am a HUGE "paranormal romance" fan...above all else! I like books that have a STRONG female lead as well. I also prefer "series" books that go on and on! If I am invested in a character I don't want to STOP reading about them. So if anyone else out there likes paranormal romance books you HAVE to try the series books below! I PROMISE you wont be disappointed!!

    ~Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. Obviously one of my most favorite series. (There are FOUR books in this series, including the currently incomplete "Midnight Sun.")

    ~Dark Hunter Series by Sherrilyn Kenyon (There are currently about 25 books in this series and are still being written. What I love the MOST about these is that ALL the characters continue throughout the series. You NEVER lose anyone along the way!)

    ~Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward. (There are currently about 16 books in this series and are still being written. Another WONDERFUl group of books)

    ~Lord Of The Underworld (series by Gina Showalter. There are currently over 18 books, plus another 10 "mini" books in this series, and are still being written.)

    ~Sookie Stackhouse aka True Blood by Charlaine Harris. (There are currently about 12 books in this series and they are still being written. These are NOT as well written...with LOTS of misspelled words and typos, and I PREFER the show "True Blood" but they are still a lot of fun! But then again how could someone prefer the books to the TV series with hunks like Alciede and Eric to look at!! LOL)

    If anyone out there starts reading the books above you will have to let me know how you liked them!! Or find me on GoodBooks and "friend" me! ~:)
    17/06/2013 à 20:56
  • @KatrinaJ, A couple of my favorite serous is the Darkest Powers series by Kelley Armstrong and Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck. You should check them out!
    18/06/2013 à 14:49
  • @cheetah: I will DEFINITELY check them out! I have read ALL the books in the series I had mentioned above and need some new reading material! Thanks!! ~:)
    18/06/2013 à 18:06
  • I thought the same thing about the movie portrayal of Peeta!
    18/06/2013 à 21:08
  • Honestly I haven't liked that actor in a SINGLE movie he has been in. His acting ALWAYS comes across as whiny and annoying! I really wish they had picked someone else b/c HE ruined the movie (like Russell Crowe "ruined" the Les Mis movie). These casting directors need to be FIRED b/c I KNOW there are better actors around!! Heck, couldn't "Magic Mike" have been Peeta!?! LOL I NEVER get tired of looking at Channing Tatum after all!! Ha ha.
    18/06/2013 à 21:26
  • Omg, Cheetah. Kelley Armstrong is my favorite author in the entire world. I love alllllll of her books. Haven't tried to read her Nadia Stafford series yet tho, mainly because it doesn't involve any supernatural stuff.
    22/06/2014 à 21:33
  • @LeraDraco69: You should DEFINITELY try Sherrilyn Kenyon's "Dark Hunter" books! They are FABULOUS!

    They deal with vamps...which are called "Lessors" which attack people, not to such their blood but to suck out their souls. They HAVE to take human souls into themselves so they can continue to live. If a Dark Hunter does not KILL the Lessor within 3 days of "sucking out a soul" then that soul is forever lost and sent to "the fade" which is a horrible "ever after!"

    The "Dark Hunters," which try and kill the "Lessors," and are the "protectors of society" aka the the good guys. They can eat real food but they also suck blood to get their strength, heal, etc....but they feed off of their wives exclusively and it's always with passion, asking FIRST.

    The series has "were-hunters" (which are animal/human), dream hunters which feed off of your dreams, the Dark Hunters....and a LOT of other mythical characters. It also has a huge base in Greek Mythology. The author even got her doctorate in ancient civilizations so she KNOWS what she is talking about!

    You will run across Artemis, Apollo, Aphrodite, Dionysus, well as Atlantis. The MAIN character is Acheron. His story/novel is HUGE but I could NOT put it down!! His twin brother, Styxx, novel is just as long but worth every word! I have read about 35-40 of them (all those that have be released) and simply can't get ENOUGH of them!

    The Dark Hunters/Sherrilyn Kenyon, have a HUGE following of "super-fans" who are constantly posting photos of cross-stitch designs, artwork, etc that they have created in "tribute" to their favorite books. There are even HUNDREDS who have gotten TATTOO's!!

    Every word that the author writes sucks you in and paints an incredible story! It's easy to get sucked in and then look up (what seems like) a few moments later and HOURS have passed! I ADORE this author and her stories!

    I love how ALL the women are always incredibly STRONG (instead of whiny and weak like in most "romance" books). I love how the men in the books ADORE, RESPECT and would do ANYTHING for their ladies! I love the STEAMY sex scenes that aren't VULGAR, yet really sexy. Everything about these novels is PERFECT! Every single word is worth reading!

    The first book in the series is "Fantasy Lover" which is just a "taste" of what's to come and a really "fun" read. Then there is a "mini-novel" named "Dragonswan" which is really great!You don't meet the first 'Dark Hunter" until the 2nd "full" book, "Night Pleasures."

    Here is a link which provides you with the list of books in the series as well as telling you more about the series.

    Here is a link to Sherrilyn Kenyons page too:

    I HIGHLY recommend these books to ANYONE and EVERYONE who loves "paranormal romance" novels. I honestly love them SO MUCH that I, too, am planning to get a SMALL tattoo of the "DH" symbol!

    Sorry for the "novel" I just wrote! I am just incredibly passionate about these books! They are truly WONDERFUL! Best books I have EVER read!! I hope you (and others) will at least give them a chance! I promise you will NOT be disappointed!! ~:)
    23/06/2014 à 16:12
  • Two solutions, a 50/50 guess.
    09/06/2020 à 23:53