This is not solvable using logic. As this is your first attempt it would be cruel to be mega negative. But a hint, when making hanjies try to avoid single 1s alone as they tend to be impossible to solve using logic. The Apple logo is only solvable by knowing the symbol and guessing.
Thanks for the hint, but I still couldn't fnish it. And it agrivated me too much to keep on guessing. Please test your puzzles before releasing them. Thanks.
There's also a handy option to test solve your hanjie before submitting it. Easy to find spots where guessing is required and make changes.
r2 : c1,c5-6,c13,c16-23
r3 : c1,c3-6,c13,c15,c24
r10 : c1-10
r11 : c9-13,c16-23
r24 : c1-10,c17,c19-22,c25
r25 : c17,c25.
R1 : c1-6,14
r24 : c1-10,c17,c20-22,c25
I did not speak English and I used Google Translator.
I'm really sorry about my mistake.