the passing of life

I wanted to invoke feeling from the simple puzzle game of picross. I'm cheesy like that.
I tested before posting. It took me 22 minutes.

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  • Some guessing in the upper left corner, but not too bad.
    May 6, 2013, 2:28 pm
  • Nice, logical puzzle! Thanks! ~:)

    Although you probably wont have too many issues, BUT if you DO get stuck in the top right corner, it kind of looks like a "half" butterfly! Hope that helps!
    May 6, 2013, 3:02 pm
  • By the way, I did test before testing. The upper-left corner /is/ logical. Not sure what made it so difficult.
    May 6, 2013, 4:24 pm
  • Test before uploading*.
    May 6, 2013, 4:24 pm
  • Very nice puzzle! Thank you!
    May 6, 2013, 5:34 pm
  • Please don't take offense. It WAS fully logical except for the upper left corner which DID take a few VERY SIMPLE educated guesses. It really wasn't hard to complete those few squares at ALL. And I realize now that its a MOON in the corner...not a half butterfly! LOL It was a great puzzle so don't worry about the last few squares. I'm SURE that you did try it out but sometimes it's hard to decide whether things are "FULLY" logical when you KNOW what the puzzle is (since you created it) before "trying it out." There were literally only like 4 squares that had to be (EASILY) guessed at, so please don't worry about people not being able to complete it. They WILL be able to figure out those few squares!! ~:)
    May 6, 2013, 7:03 pm
  • I know what you're saying.
    I still think it's possible without guessing.
    Ah well.
    May 7, 2013, 3:22 am
  • Top left is possible without guessing - col 4 is the key.
    May 7, 2013, 12:19 pm
  • The top-left is possible without guessing but you do need to use some "non-local" clues, what I call "second-order logic" -- looking at clues from multiple columns (or a column and a row) simultaneously. Your thinking should go something along the lines of "If I were to put the 3 in these squares in this column, that won't work because it prohibits having a 1 in that row." It's still logical, just not first-order logic.

    There's a vast gap between "solvable only using local clues/first-order logic" and "the clues don't give enough information to solve it, you just have to keep submitting different arrangements of dots until the site finally accepts it" -- e.g. a 2 by 2 with each row and each column having a single 1.
    May 7, 2013, 5:14 pm
  • Good grief! Does "Val" EVER have ANYTHING nice...or even HELPFUL to say!?!?! The ONLY thing that comes from his are rude, crappy comments! I was OVER it a LONG time ago and each time I read anything coming from him it just ends up ticking me off all over again!!

    I LOVED your puzzle and it isn't that difficult to finish. It was a GREAT puzzle! Don't let the "haters" get to you (LORD KNOWS they get to ME!!)
    May 7, 2013, 6:42 pm
  • I thought the top left hand corner contained the moon in keeping with the setting.
    May 7, 2013, 6:53 pm
  • I thought Val's explanation was helpful. What was rude about his comment?
    May 11, 2013, 3:39 am
  • It needs one single quess... **Grabs popcorn** :) Just trolling.
    May 12, 2013, 9:59 am
  • Pretty easy to know what the top left is supposed to be without any guessing. Only one real answer when you're in a spooky graveyard!
    August 24, 2014, 12:01 am
  • I also don't see what was rude about Val's comment.
    August 24, 2014, 12:03 am
  • Lera:
    It wasn't just this specific was a combination of this and many others. I just hate seeing people...who work really hard on these...being "put down." Val had been quite hateful in other posts and when he wrote this one I'd finally gotten my "fill" of it. I'm TRULY sorry if I offended anyone. I really did not mean to! I was simply trying to get him to stop cutting down others. None of us are perfect...all of us work hard to create and solve these puzzles... We should all be SUPPORTING one another, instead of being hateful. I will admit I have a hard time keeping my mouth closed when I see others being hateful. I really shouldn't ever say ANYTHING and should probably just keep to myself....but unfortunately, that's just not me and is nearly impossible to do. I will always speak up for what is right. I will always "defend" those who are being hurt/attacked (either by words or actions). I guess it probably comes from being bullied myself when I was younger. I always hoped that someone would come along and "stand up" for me, but (back then) that rarely happened. The few times that I DID have someone in my corner, helping to defend ME, it made things SO MUCH BETTER! It honestly made all the difference in the world and I didn't feel as "alone" at those times! Sometimes others really dont even REALIZE that what they are doing/saying IS hurtful! Sometimes the negativity just needs to be pointed out so that it doesn't continue....

    We are ALL here to have a good, relaxing and fun time solving puzzles and "talking" to one another. To constantly "attack" others b/c you dont like and/or cant complete a puzzle is hurtful and totally unnecessary. There is ALWSYS a NICE way to point out flaws within a puzzle and to voice your opinion. Everything is a "tightrope." You dont have to be "sugar sweet," but you also dont need to fall off the other side of the tightrope by being too NEGATIVE either! If you want to say something about a puzzle, please just try YOUR best to say it in a KIND way!! All ANY of us ask is that this site remains positive and enjoyable!!
    August 24, 2014, 3:28 pm
  • Really enjoyed this, thanks.
    October 23, 2014, 11:26 pm
  • Fully logical puzzle and great image. Thank you!
    September 29, 2017, 5:18 pm
  • Thanks.
    September 29, 2017, 10:45 pm