take a chill pill

I'm sorry, but this person needs to calm down when it comes to illogical puzzles.

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  • Just because a puzzle is even the slightest bit illogical, doesn't mean you should make the creator feel bad about themselves.
    July 2, 2016, 9:24 pm
  • Gotta agree with you - every Hanjie creator deserves encouragement and support. Remember when you point a finger, three are pointing at you.
    July 2, 2016, 9:35 pm
  • I was secretly just hoping that this would be illogical for the epic irony!
    But usually the one to take offense first is the one seen as villain so... you played yourself!!
    July 3, 2016, 12:25 pm
  • I agree with you, especially since he/she also said some puzzles were illogical, while they weren't.. Just because he doesn't know/use/know how to use some "advanced" methods..
    July 3, 2016, 9:41 pm
  • Nah, I'm good.
    July 4, 2016, 3:18 pm
  • It can be highly frustrating when a puzzle is illogical (and I mean puzzles that can't be solved with temps) so I see where they are coming from. If you have a problem with someone's comment then tell them in a comment rather than publicly humiliating them by putting their username in a puzzle.
    July 21, 2016, 11:50 pm
  • @Rifka252 Apparently you haven't any read his comments. He purposely writes mean comments on any illogical puzzle he finds. Even if the puzzle requires a single guess, like when it comes down to just two squares, he harasses the puzzle creator. I mean look at the comment he made on this puzzle: "Nah, I'm good". He is clearly a troll.
    July 22, 2016, 12:06 am
  • I appreciate that. I didn't say the comments were fair. But what made you think this was the solution? Puzzles should be fun not used to call out someone who has annoyed you.
    July 22, 2016, 12:40 am
  • @Rifka252 I didn't make this because he annoyed me. I made this because he tries to hurt others. Like Tamara said "Every Hanjie creator deserves encouragement and support." Even if a Hanjie is illogical, you can leave constructive criticism or say something encouraging. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Notice how in the title, the description, and all of my comments I did not say anything truly hurtful. All I did was call him out on his bullying. What's wrong with that?
    July 22, 2016, 1:04 am
  • Well what's done is done now since they have seen it. You're right about constructive criticism being the best way forward so let's just leave it there. Maybe try constructive criticism yourself first :)
    July 22, 2016, 8:51 am
  • This comment has been deleted.
    August 15, 2016, 3:33 pm
  • @Puzzledanita Look, I respect your opinion, but you don't need to guilt trip me into agreeing with you. I don't agree that I did a wrong. I am happy that I called this person out on his crap. Also, notice how I never really say anything truly hurtful anywhere on this page. I never tell anyone to type mean comments on any of his Hanjies. Hell, only 76 people have solved it so far and know who I'm talking about. Not really destroying this person's life as much as you think I am, which by the way was never my intention in the first place. Also again, you shouldn't let these kinds of things get to you. I would understand if the Hanjies you were talking about in the last sentence were directing hate towards you specifically. But if they're just directing hate towards other people, I honestly can't understand where you're coming from, especially since these Hanjies are most likely few and far between on this site (at least from the ones I've seen). I just wanted to stick up for the people who this person harshly and wrongly criticized. And judging from the first few comments of this Hanjie, I did the right thing. I'm sorry if I insulted you as bad as I apparently did, but don't guilt trip me for doing what I thought was right.
    August 15, 2016, 4:19 pm
  • This comment has been deleted.
    August 15, 2016, 8:23 pm
  • @Puzzledanita I'm not getting defensive because I disagree with you. I'm getting defensive because you hurt me. How? Read the last sentence of your first comment and try to think from my point of view. "It was these kind of Hanjies that eventually caused me to ask for all the Hanjies I had created removed (almost 3000 I created)." What do you think that tells me? It tells me that it's because of people like me that some girl had years of her work deleted. That may have not been what you meant, but that's what I got from it. That's where the guilt tripping came from. It had nothing to do with the Hanjie.
    As for your recommended way of dealing with people like this person, I did not know you could do that. But what's done is done. At least a fun puzzle came out of it.
    I'm going to say it again, I respect your opinion and I'm sorry for insulting you as bad as I apparently did. Now let's end this argument with smiles on both our faces like the one me and Rifka252 had on the same topic above this one, okay? :)
    He/she ended the argument with a smile, and I therefore smiled as well and felt no reason to argue anymore. In fact, that was my true goal with this Hanjie: to put smiles on the good guys and frowns on the bad guys.
    August 15, 2016, 9:29 pm
  • This comment has been deleted.
    August 18, 2016, 8:48 pm
  • @Puzzledanita Well what's done is done and I'm sorry about your friend.
    August 18, 2016, 9:03 pm