Proverbe (107)

Anton Pann was an old Romanian writer (and a little Bulgarian, Macedonian, Greek,... let's say Balkan). I don't know if it was translated into French or English so I'll try a summary of one of his stories here:

At a high society table, a gentleman poured food and drink on his clothes, he dipped his sleeves in soup and in wine, he carried himself in a very unusual way.
But, honorable sir, why are you doing this? - He was asked.
When I arrived dressed in my simple, poor clothes, I was seated away from the main table, with the dogs, and no one paid attention to me.
I went home and dressed in a sumptuous and elegant costume. When I came back dressed like that, I was invited to the place of honor and everyone complimented me and listened to me with great attention and admiration.
So I'm grateful for this garment and I want to give it my best.

The proverb is about that. The clue is above.

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