Pot plant

Tested, relatively easy
May contain traces of chlorophyll
Have fun !

The story behin it :
I like plants, but my room is very dark and I have ADHD so taking care of them is not so easy as it may sounds. I still did pass the door of a plant shop and asked if they had some that may be able to deal with the lack of light. To not forget to water it, I now had to find something I already do no matter what at the same frequence (one a month) and try to "stitch" it in one routine. The thing is I'm working independantly (no I don't paint trees, I'm repairing bicycles) and I have to declare what I earn every month to the "Union de Recouvrement des cotisations de Sécurité Sociale et d'Allocations Familiales". So I'm happy to present you Urssaf :)

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