pattern (7)

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  • Not logical.
    March 13, 2014, 7:21 pm
  • Once again I don't know what Jobar is talking about. This puzzle is COMPLETLEY logical!! I had to guess on the last 4 squares but there were only 2 ways it could have been solved at the end and wasn't hard to figure out. Don't listen to the haters who just have NOTHING nice to say! You made a beautiful puzzle! Thank you for the fun! Keep em coming!! ~:)
    March 14, 2014, 4:32 pm
  • Very fun to do and easy to figure out! thank you :)
    March 16, 2014, 9:10 am
  • Easy to figure out, and cute design! Thanks so much, Claire! <3.
    March 16, 2014, 10:41 am
  • KatrinaJ, this puzzle is not logical, meaning it has dozens of solutions. Some of them are symmetrical in one axis, some in two, but none of them are better than the others. The intended solution is still easy to guess, but it does not follow necessarily.
    May 5, 2015, 6:57 pm
  • I wouldn't call Jobar a "hater." That comment said nothing about the puzzle being "good" or "bad." Jobar just stated the fact that there is more than one possible solution (I got it on the second try, myself). It's simply constructive criticism intended to help Claire1Michelle make better puzzles in the future.
    July 12, 2015, 1:00 am
  • Kat....that comment was made after he HAD attacked/been hateful to MANY puzzle creators on here. It wasn't THIS post in particular...just stuff that had been adding up for months. He has since been banned from making comments b/c he really was quite hateful to so many people! This is a site where we should ALL be able to have fun, share some great puzzles, enjoy one another's "online" company and just be supportive! It's NOT a place to constantly "cut down" everyone's EFFORTS! I think ALL the puzzle creators (and those who solve them) do such a GREAT job! Sure, some aren't as great as others (mine for example) but EVERYONE does their best, takes time out of their days and just deserves a modicum of RESPECT and kindness, ya know!?! The person in question just NEVER had a nice thing to say about anyone else...and it went on for MONTHS. This is actually this NICEST post that he had made.

    So, I apologize for coming across as "rude" myself when the comment on THIS puzzle really wasn't that bad....but like I said, it had just been adding up/building for quite a while and I had really just had my "fill" of his crappy attitude. I wasn't the ONLY one either. MOST of his comments had NOTHING to do with "constructive criticism" and were just downright rude and MEAN! That's why, at some point, the "owners" of this site just decided to ban him from making those kind of comments...since they really were quite mean!

    Anyway...that was over a YEAR ago. Perhaps he has since learned that being MEAN is not how you go about things on THIS site!! That we are all here for the same have some nice, relaxing FUN...and we simply don't need to be bombarded with those tearing us down at every turn and NEVER having anything nice to say! As my mamma taught me..."If you don't have something NICE to say than don't say anything at ALL!" I realize that MY comment wasn't very kind and that I probably should have just taken it up with the site admin staff...instead of attacking BACK!

    So, again, I apologize for MY part in this. I just really hate to see people tear down those who really have done their best with every puzzle they create!! ALL the creators deserve MAJOR props as far as I am concerned!!! ~:)
    July 21, 2015, 5:38 pm
  • Nice result. Thanks.
    September 30, 2015, 4:26 am