This series is.... so obnoxious... I don't know why I keep clicking on them... They're... usually? solvable with a bit of aesthetic and symmetrical thinking, but... This one has a straight up ERROR in the corner, and just.... They aren't that good looking. They really aren't.
I'm a firm believer in the whole "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." If your criticism isn't constructive, it serves no purpose, so I'm going to do my best to phrase this constructively. If your hanjie is not solvable with logic, most players aren't going to have fun solving it. If your hanjie is just a pattern, it has to be a REALLY interesting pattern or the end result... doesn't matter. ESPECIALLY when there's more than one solution like with this one. The "correct" pattern is no more or less interesting to look at than the "incorrect" solution, so... I end up sighing in frustration and relief when I'm finished rather than cheering excitedly at completing a difficult puzzle. Test your hanjies, LOGICALLY, no assumptions no matter how "obvious" it is to you that the pattern is going to make some shape or another. More people will solve your puzzles, more people will rate your puzzles, and more people will ENJOY your puzzles. Thank you.
Thanks to Chibinecco pointing out the error in the corner, using common sense you can actually work out quite a few definite squares. Once you've got the 6's in, a lot of the pattern falls into place. Then there's another lot of guesswork needed to complete the final puzzle.
Symmetrical vertically, horizontally, and on both diagonals, except r5c20. This will give you the outside 5 rows and columns. Then there's a circle from the 5s, after that most can be filled from logic, except two pixels that should fall on each of the primary diagonals.
I'm a firm believer in the whole "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." If your criticism isn't constructive, it serves no purpose, so I'm going to do my best to phrase this constructively. If your hanjie is not solvable with logic, most players aren't going to have fun solving it. If your hanjie is just a pattern, it has to be a REALLY interesting pattern or the end result... doesn't matter. ESPECIALLY when there's more than one solution like with this one. The "correct" pattern is no more or less interesting to look at than the "incorrect" solution, so... I end up sighing in frustration and relief when I'm finished rather than cheering excitedly at completing a difficult puzzle. Test your hanjies, LOGICALLY, no assumptions no matter how "obvious" it is to you that the pattern is going to make some shape or another. More people will solve your puzzles, more people will rate your puzzles, and more people will ENJOY your puzzles. Thank you.