In her hanjie "Jouons avec Brassens (27)", Vero showed a lot of flowers, and I was not courageous enough to do the same. Then, here is a late arrival I dedicate to both our heroines of the week.
Difficulty : *****
Tested, logical.
Some helps for those who need it:
- We can easily place a black cell of the 2 from R25 thanks to edge-logic, and we can put some crosses in R23-24 wherever this 2 is.
- A cross after the 8 from R13 allows us to place a part of the 7 from R15.
- One of the crosses surrounding the 1 from R13 allows us to place one cell of the 2 from R16.
- We can use edge-logic to slightly move up the 8 from C13.
When you will have reached the face, you can work with the 4 and the row above:
- After noticing that the 2 from R9 takes place after the crosses, edge-logic allows us to move the 4 one cell to the left.
- After noticing that the 2 from R10 can't take place before the crosses (because of the 2 from R5), edge-logic allows us to move the 4 one cell to the right.
Good blackenage.
Un grand merci (je ne sais pas combien de fois je t'ai remercié aujourd'hui !)
Le hanjie est faisable sans aide !
Que de cadeaux, le Père Noël se serait-il trompé de date ? ;)
Merci Max, tu es vraiment gentil !
Sinon, pour ce qui est de la gentillesse et des remerciements, je dirais tout simplement qu'on récolte ce que l'on sème :)
j'aime beaucoup le style de tes grilles, je suis occupé à faire tout ton palmares.