Very cute cat! Nice first attempt. There are quite a few ambiguous squares though, which result in multiple possible solutions. Quick tip: before you publish the puzzle you can test solve the puzzle and eliminate ambiguous squares.
Sadly I couldn't do it. It might be solvable if you invert the filled and not filled squares Manga18. Give that a go and if it works post it here. Then let us know it's an inversion of this one and we may be able to do this one. That's what I did with one of my early ones and it made a huge difference.
It might be solvable if you invert the filled and not filled squares Manga18. Give that a go and if it works post it here. Then let us know it's an inversion of this one and we may be able to do this one.
That's what I did with one of my early ones and it made a huge difference.
For hints: